About Us

80 Feet Is Enough! started in a small neighborhood west of Marshfield, Wisconsin in late 2015 after hearing media accounts of Enbridge's expansion plans. The neighbors had lived through two previous disruptive pipeline expansions and routinely dealt with Enbridge on their properties for investigative digs, pipeline repairs, and even one pipeline spill that resulted in Enbridge buying a neighbor's home.

Members of 80 Feet Is Enough! are diverse in backgrounds and perspectives and include Republicans and Democrats, young and retired, environmentalists and non-environmentalists. From the small group of neighbors directly affected by pipeline easements the group has expanded to include Wisconsin citizens concerned about the wider ramifications of Enbridge's actions: property rights and the abuse of eminent domain; the inability of government to provide oversight and protect its citizens from corporate overreach; and the environmental impact of more pipelines, more oil, more carbon.

Members are united in the view that Wisconsin property owners have carried their fair share of the oil economy burden, all to the financial benefit of Enbridge. Members share the goal of stopping the next pipeline expansion using civil discourse and American principles of land ownership. Four pipelines the length of Wisconsin in an 80 foot easement moving nearly 2 million barrels of oil per day with minimal benefit to Wisconsin should satisfy most companies. To Enbridge we say, "80 Feet Is Enough!"

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